Most items that say “Receive this item in 2 - 3 days” (Business Days) generally take 2-3 business days to receive. Meaning the item you ordered is generally kept in stock and will ship out by priority mail that day or the following day. If your item is not in stock or there will a delay we will notify you by phone or email.
Items that say “Receive this item in 7 - 14 days” (Business Days) generally this is an item the Walking Cane Company manufactures and requires up to 4 days to make and 2 - 3 days shipping time. This item will also be indicated by Made In the USA. If there are any delays in your order we try to notify you by email or phone.
Items that say “Receive this item in 7 - 9 Days” (Business Days) Generally this means your item is not in stock and will require 7 - 9 business days to receive. We will email you once we process your order to let you know the exact delivery date and to also offer you an option of having your cane shipped directly to you from our supplier for a cost of $10 this would speed up delivery by 1 - 5 business day depending on how close you are to New York city.
Custom walking canes and work like engraving will add additional time.